Stonehenge II in Ingram, Texas | Road Trip with Ellie

When trying to find safe ways to explore these days, it can be a challenge. So when I felt hopelessly alone during the pandemic, I started researching areas I could daytrip with Ellie that were outdoors and had few people in the area. One of the more fun places that I had seen in countless Texas travel guides was the recreation of Stonehenge, properly named Stonehenge II in Ingram, Texas about an hour west of San Antonio. So one Saturday morning I packed up Ellie and my mom and took off on an adventure.

Check out our adventure here!

So Much To Do!

Stonehenge II has some picnic tables available and has a cafe restaurant attached to the parking lot. Checking for availability is needed but could make for a great stop. It’s also part of a neat artistic area that includes an amazing outdoor Pilot Theatre right on a beautiful river and the Visual Art Center. I’ve been to the theater to see Cats and thought it was a very entertaining experience (but make sure to bring some insect repellent!). If you’re heading to the area, I’d suggest making a whole weekend out of it as there are many lodging places around.

Also important to note: Though I went during the day, if you arrive at night, I think you’ll find it just as majestic as they do have lighting around the structure. If you time it right, the sunset pictures you can find online are absolutely mesmerizing and would love to take advantage of that opportunity.